This is our entry to the Global Game Jam 2024. The theme was "Make Me Laugh". We had the idea of a Ghost who wants people to leave their library trying to make people in laugh so that they get thrown out by the Librarian.

As the ghost, you have to go to the Magical Joke Book and get a joke to tell in a typing mini-game. You then need to figure out who might like that joke based on the theme and which section of the library the person visits. Get it right and they'll be thrown out and never return and you'll get a little extra time on the clock. Get it wrong, and they'll be spooked enough to bring a friend with them next time. Try to empty the library before your time runs out to win.

The game was built in Unity with some modelling from Blender over the course of 48h. You can find more information and the game itself here:

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